After being "interupted" along the way, we reached the race pack collection venue at 4.30pm, 1.5hrs before it officially closes... what a close shave and memorable adventure to get to here. A good experience no doubt, which makes it even more memorable.
Priority #1 - Collect Race Bib. Showed the lady my Number Pick Up Card and my IC. It was quickly retrieved.. possibly due to very few bibs still remaining in their stack. Proceeded to collect my 'S'-sized long sleeve Event T-Shirt, which i must say, was of top quality and i really love the design and the oustanding yellow with blue lettering/logos.
Priority #2 - Race Expo shopping. As it was quite near the close of the Expo, not many good stuff were still available, especially at the Adidas booth. Managed to scramble for a short sleeve & long sleeve t-shirts with the event logos. Unfortunately the jacket was out of stock, which was a pity as i thought it looked nice. Learning point - Go Early if you want the good stuff. Went to view the many other booths and took quite a number of photos of those. Various brands were present & i also grabbed some items at the ASICS booth. Quite a number of booths had also begun closing even before we arrived there... well, at least it helped us save our pockets :) I always loved attending the Boston race expo as it was a fantastic chance to view many sports items available & it was a real mental/financial challenge not to be tempted by the many products available at such reasonable prices.. imagine a pair of shoes can cost about USD 75 or USD 90 and some models are not even available in Singapore yet... After spending only 1 hour or so, an announcement was made to signify the close of the expo & we reluctantly made our way out of the Hynes Convention Centre...
We then walked around the city, in the search of a place to have dinner... finally found ourselves in a Japanese restaurant just opposite the Prudential Shopping Mall.. it was a lovely place and food was good too! Satisfied with our fulfilling meal, we headed back towards Hotel 140, stopping by at the CVS Pharmacy to grab some drinks & breakfast food.
Once back at the hotel, unpacked our stuff, went through my race pack items & got ready my race day attire. I had brought along a singlet & long sleeve compression top so i would have options as my decision would be made based on the expected weather on race day. Decided to go with the ASICS Long Sleeve top.. helps prevent sun damage too as the race would only start at 10am.
Finally went to bed at about 12am... and looked forward to my 2nd Boston Marathon on 18 April 2011.